PPBA has been around since 1946
How the club started - Sixteen people met in the Mills College Drama Building in February 1946 to lay the foundation for a poultry club. These people had in common an enthusiastic desire to promote the poultry fancy; they were not sure what to call their new club. At that first meeting, they chose California State Poultry Association. In May of that year, they changed the name to the Northern California Poultry Association. After much discussion, the name was changed to the Northern California Poultry Breeders and Exhibitors Association. The first officers were selected as follows.
President —Sam Whalley Vice President —H. Rodger
Secretary / Treasurer —A. Stockfish Board of Directors - R. Moore, M.A. Fowler, I. Young
One of the first orders of business was to have a lawn show in conjunction with the rabbit exhibitors show. After discussion, the group decided to wait until the club was more established before undertaking the task of a show. Consequently, the first table show wasn’t held until January 26, 1947. This show was held at Bay Farms. Proceeds from lunches served by the Women's Auxiliary were used to purchase cages, club stationery and coop cards for future use. The Women's Auxiliary continued to supply lunches at future shows and helped provide an income for the club. Raffles of feed were a bigger draw, however, and made more money for the club. Dues were set at $3.00 per year.
In February 1947, the club decided to change its name again to the Pacific Fanciers Association. It is interesting to note the club had a Child Welfare Committee and request was made at a meeting asking for donations of bantams for disadvantaged boys in Oakland. It was felt that the raising of poultry was a worthwhile and beneficial activity for a young person. It was also interesting to find out that the starting times of most club meetings was 8pm with some meetings starting at 9pm. However, the meetings were often ended at 10pm.
In 1954 the club once again changed its name again to its current known name Pacific Poultry Breeders Association.
Sam Whalley—1946
Gene Gomes—1947
Harry Rodger- 1947-1948
Al Stockfish—1949-1950
Louis Dennis Jr.—1950-1952
Bill Davies—1953
Ralph McGinnis—1954
Jack Bulette—1955-1961
Herb Steindorf—1962-1963
Jack Bulette—1964—1966
Don Schamberger—1966-1967
Robert Nichols—1967-1968
Jack Bulette—1972
Chuck Miller—1973-1975
Jack Bulette—1976
Joe Williamson—1976-1978
Jim Sallee—1979—1982
Russ Beach—1983—1984
David Scholz—1985-1986
Walt Leonard—1987—1988
Bonnie Sallee—1989—1990
Lowell Sherman—1991-1995
Daniel Fry Shaw—2007-2009
Bonnie Sallee –2011-2015
Jim Sallee—2015-2019
Anthony Rose—2019-2023
Current PPBA President Anthony Rose
On behalf of the PPBA this is an official announcement of the cancellation of our winter show for the end of January.